Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A new hat

My dear friend Lisa was here last week from IL---only a few days since the direct flight only goes on Wednesday & Saturday. It was so good to see her--it's been a whole year!! She is several years younger than me and has teenage daughters so she's up on the current styles. So when we were at Charming Charlie's (LOVE that store!!!), she talked me into buying a new hat. I've never worn a hat in my life---only those visors when I was doing airshows. So when she told me I "needed" to get one, I was skeptical!!

I had a lovely gift card from my friend Kathie at Christmas, so I thought "why not?". It'll work on those days I don't feel like washing my hair & I have to run out to the store or something. So I did........she's such a bad influence!!! LOL

The funny part is that the next day we went to Pei Wei for lunch and the fortune in my cookie read.........

How hysterical is that????


  1. Obviously it was meant to be! You need to use that fortune on a journal page! Cannot wait to see you in your hat.

  2. Ooo! Serendipity! It was so meant to be! :)

  3. I can see... a journal page with a picture of you wearing the hat... and the fortune next to it. That is SO cool that you happened to get that fortune!

  4. I am a "hat person" being from Hawaii!!! I think this hat is too cute BUT I think it could be cuter if you added a BIG silk flower on the side :) Just a thought!!


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